Whew!!! Wow how has the first half of your year been?!? I know all have been working hard and very busy on several BIG projects in the two communities. However, I hope you have plans for a vacation or already have had that time to revamp your physical and mental selves.
Members of your ASAP board have been busy working with other community organizations to get projects or events planned or put to action. It's been AWESOME!!!! The 2025 Application for funding has been submitted with a total of $40,000 to be awarded to the two-county board along with $20,000 Harm Reduction funding. We had several mini grant applications for special events as well as needed supplies for our schools, organizations and the communities as a whole. If your organization did not meet the February deadline, check with us. If funds are available, applications will be taken. If you have photos, you'd like to share of ASAP sponsored events, send them to us. We would love to share with all! Until next time.......Keep you lights burning to ignite the fire of prevention, treatment, and perseverance!
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Hello welcome to my communications and ramblings aka The Blog.
We started working on a Social Media Campaign several months back and with the help of several ASAP board members and the community, we have it ready to share.....our official launch statement posted to Facebook and Instagram is also located on the bottom of the photo page. We hope you log on and see the way two counties can come together through their youth! |